The Precision Method by Emerson M. F. Jou, M.D.
No Drugs! No Injections! No Surgery!
There is a misconception among healthcare providers and general public about back pain. In car accident, slip/fall, sprain/strain, sports, soft tissue injury (muscle/fascia strain) is the true cause of pain, not disc herniation (pinched nerve) or other conditions of the spine. Such injury can be diagnosed through manual examination of the involved muscle/fascia for tenderness, tightness, weakness, limited motion and postural changes. X-rays and MRI are not needed. Acute and chronic back pain can be treated successfully and cost-effectively within a short period of time focusing on soft tissue release with light touch (Touch-and-Hold & Stretch-and-Hold of The Precision Method) but not by surgery, injection, medication, exercise, acupuncture or manipulation. Without proper treatment, it may remain unresolved and disabling for years. A diagnosis with no regard to soft tissue injury is deemed to be a misdiagnosis; a treatment with no regard to soft tissue injury is deemed to be ineffective. The same approach can be applied to other parts of the body and many pain-related conditions as illustrated in the Table of Contents.
After accumulation of clinical experiences in personally treating thousands of patients for more than twenty years, I have gained precious insight about pain. I am very delighted to share it with everyone. This book is intended to spread the good news that pain is actually a very simple matter and easy to cure. The issue of pain is outlined here in a nutshell, following three simple steps: (1) what is wrong? (2) where is it? (3) how to fix it?
1. Pain must have its source. Pain indicates an injury and/or acute inflammation. Pain
is often not associated with inflammation because of its brief duration. All pain
comes from soft tissue injury. Once injured, the injury accumulates and remains with
or without pain for a lifetime until treated.
2. Pain is where the injury is and vice versa. Pain does not radiate to or from another
location, but may incite other injured sites to be painful.
3. Pain can only come from an injured tissue that has pain sensation. There is no pain
sensation in the spine, joint or blood vessel, and thus back pain is unrelated to the
spine, knee pain is unrelated to the knee joint and migraine is unrelated to the blood
vessels. We rely on nerves to perceive pain. The fact of feeling pain means nothing
wrong with the nerve, otherwise there is no pain when a nerve is damaged. Pain can
hardly be a problem of the nerve.
4. Pain presents its symptoms and signs in three dimensions (apparent pain, subtle
symptom, subtle sign), all originate from soft tissue injury.
5. Pain is derived from mechanically strained muscle and fascia (not tendon or ligament),
being much more intense with fascia than muscle. In diagnosis, the exact injured
sites can be manually detected and accurately located; X-ray, CT scan or MRI is of no
use. Any treatment that does not untangle the strained tissue is deemed to be
ineffective, including all external means such as medication, injection, hot/cold
application, electrotherapy, manipulation, stretching, surgery, acupuncture, etc. The only effective way to untangle the strained tissue is done internally by the body itself via light touch initiating self-healing. Anything that irritates the injured site worsens the
injury and should be avoided, including strengthening, stretching, traction, forceful
massage, manipulation, electrotherapy, etc.
6. A strain injury usually occurs first, easier, and more severely in a flexible muscle than its attachments on the bone. When injured, fascia is the most painful and cumbersome
to restore, muscle attachment next and muscle the least.
7. The degree of pain is not always proportionate to the severity of injury because of
other factors involved.
8. Acute injury is likely to recover much sooner than a chronic one. An injury should be
treated immediately or as soon as possible. The older the injury, the more stubborn
and time-consuming it is to release. To get rid of pain is easy; to correct contracture
or deformity requires more effort. All acute and chronic soft tissue injuries,
regardless of their severity and duration, can be resolved eventually.
9. Pain from either soft tissue injury or acute inflammation can be readily and quickly
cured by applying Touch-and-Hold & Stretch-and-Hold of The Precision Method
precisely on the injured site. Touch or Stretch initiates physiological response of
self-healing to release the strained tissue and Hold sustains the release until reversing
to normal.
10. All pain-related conditions can be effectively and cost-effectively treated using The
Precision Method, a viable choice in healthcare.
The Precision Method is briefly summarized here in sequential steps:
1. Narrowing down the injury in the context of any symptom or sign of The Three
Dimensions of Pain.
2. Locating the painful site by active range of motion, passive range of motion, active
movement against resistance, the painful site being the injured site.
3. Detecting an injured muscle by muscle testing, the weakened muscle being the
injured muscle.
4. Pressing on the identified injured site to probe for tenderness as the exact locus of
5. Applying light touch precisely on the locus and holding still for a needed duration
(Touch-and-Hold) until tenderness disappears, then repeating the same to resolve
other injured sites.
6. As an additional step when indicated, gently stretching an injured muscle at a specific
angle/direction and holding still at the point of initial discomfort for 30 to 60 seconds
(Stretch-and-Hold), then repeating the same several times.
Dr. Jou is a board-certified specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and has expertise with more than 40 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue injury. He has treated thousands of patients and achieved 90-100% success rate. His unique The Precision Method has been proven to be so effective in resolving the true sources of pain that no one should ever have to learn to live with pain. Both its theory and practice are well written in his book.
Samples of Pain Mismanagement https://bit.ly/3N0dkS0
免吃藥! 免打針! 免開刀!
復健專科醫師周明峰 首創精準療法
一般人(包括醫師)對腰酸背痛的病因多遭誤導。車禍、工作、跌倒、運動所造成的疼痛,係來自筋肉(肌肉、筋膜)扭傷,並非骨刺、坐骨神經痛、椎間盤突出、壓迫神經、關節炎等脊椎的問題。只要徒手檢查肌肉的緊硬與強弱、動作的障礙與姿勢的彎曲,不需X光或MRI,很容易便可準確診斷出疼痛的根源。若在傷處施用輕按候住及輕拉候住的精準療法(Touch-and-Hold & Stretch-and-Hold of The Precision Method)治之,必速效而癒。疼痛都是筋肉傷惹的禍,不檢查筋肉便誤入歧途,不醫治筋肉就徒勞無功。市面上許多無益的檢驗及無效的療法,枉費金錢、時間和心力,又受苦受罪,終久不癒,因其抓不到癢處(沒找出確切的病因),未能對症下藥(治療的部位與方法不對)。但只要診斷準確、治療的部位及方法對、治療的次數及時日夠,不管新傷或舊疾,短期內即可痊癒。同樣的道理也可應用到身體其他的部位,以及諸種疑難雜症,如目次所列。
(一) 疼痛必有根源,痛表示受傷或發炎,諸種疼痛概皆來自筋肉傷,而與炎症無關,因炎
(二) 痛處即傷處,反之亦然;疼痛並不延伸轉移到別處,但會觸發其他傷處而痛。
(三) 疼痛不可能來自沒痛神經的組織,脊椎、關節、血管無痛覺,腰痛與脊椎、膝痛與膝
(四) 疼痛的症狀有三層次—明顯疼痛、輕微症狀、隱約意態,均源自筋肉傷。
(五) 疼痛來自機械性扭傷的肌肉和筋膜(不是肌腱或韌帶),筋膜痛比肌肉痛尖銳甚多。徒
手檢查可找出確切的傷處,X光、CT scan、MRI無以顯示。各類療法若不梳理扭纏
(六) 柔軟伸縮的肌肉最先、也最容易受傷,傷勢比其在骨頭上的附著處還嚴重;受傷時,筋膜最
(七) 疼痛的程度與傷勢的輕重並不皆成正比,因牽涉到其他的因素。
(八) 急性新傷比慢性舊傷恢復得快,受傷後最好即時治療,越早越好,不然拖愈久愈頑固,
(九) 若在確切的傷處施以輕按候住及輕拉候住的精準療法,筋肉傷以及急性炎症痛皆可輕
(十) 施用此法,診斷與治療既有速效、又花費極少,諸種疼痛病症得以根治,醫療上值得
(一) 任何「疼痛三層次」中的症狀表示有傷,據以指引筋肉傷的部位。
(二) 操作自主動作、扶助動作、動作時抗拒阻力,找出疼痛(受傷)的所在,痛處即是傷處。
(三) 檢測肌力,變弱的肌肉就是受傷的肌肉。
(四) 用手指按壓上述傷痛處,按痛的地方正是確切的傷處。
(五) 在確切的傷處嚴謹仔細地輕按一段時間,亦即輕按候住,直到按痛消失,同法移治其
(六) 必要時,對受傷的肌肉以特定的角度與方向輕緩拉筋,稍緊或不適就停住三十秒鐘,
周醫師在復健醫學界歷史最悠久、規模最大的紐約大學醫學中心完成專科訓練,擁有台灣及美國復健專科執照、Hawaii大學醫學碩士,專精腰酸背痛及各種疼痛疑難雜症的診治,經驗逾四十年,首創精準療法,著書《NO MORE PAIN》All Pain Considered—A Breakthrough,以及《疼痛大突破》—根治各種疼痛疑難雜症。
醫學二三事─疼痛的誤診 https://bit.ly/46fqZy5
Soft Tissue Injury—the Culprit!
As a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, I have seen thousands of patients suffering from back pain over the years. During the first several years of my practice, I followed the current updates from medical journals and seminars, in addition to the previous textbooks and teachings of my professors for diagnosis and treatment. Even with my best efforts, I was unable to cure back pain, leaving me and my patients very frustrated. This bothered me quite a bit. I just could not accept the notion that back pain is incurable in this high-tech modern era. So I took a step back, trying to figure out why back pain is such a tough problem. I soon suspected that back pain must have come from muscles instead of spine or nerves. I then redirected my focus and started treating muscle injury, consistently obtaining satisfactory results, even cures in some cases.
Having many questions, yet little knowledge and no books or teachers for guidance regarding muscle injury, I had to search alone in the dark for answers without knowing where to go and what to look for. Relying on common sense and keen observation, I learned a great deal from carefully examining and treating my patients. I analyzed many medical writings with skepticism as well as verification. I also experimented with nearly all the available treatments. I began to see some light through the inner workings of pain. I was able to break the myths, one after another, and eventually come out of the maze. After considerable experience, I was finally convinced that back pain is actually derived from soft tissue injury, not bone spur, disc herniation, pinched nerve, sciatica, arthritis or other conditions of the spine, as written in the medical books. Therefore, I determined: Soft tissue injury is the culprit of back pain. A diagnosis with no regard to soft tissue injury is deemed to be a misdiagnosis; a treatment with no regard to soft tissue injury is deemed to be ineffective.
I unknowingly stumbled onto a new field of “soft tissue injury”. I was surprised and shocked to find how primitive and uncultivated the field is in modern medicine. No wonder there are numerous errors in the diagnosis and treatment of back pain as well as other pain-related conditions. In diagnosis, the cause of pain is often misleading, non-specific or unknown, not pointing to the real source. In treatment, based on a misleading diagnosis, it is understandably out of focus, ineffective, and largely symptomatic relief at best, but no cure. Thus, so many pain-related conditions remain unresolved for years despite all the medical resources. Patients have suffered so much for so long, still longing for a cure. How unfortunate it is, but how wonderful it would be to have a cure!
So I set out to search for a cure, charging forward with determination and diligence.
In my early efforts, I treated only the injured muscle and managed to soften its tight nodule. Before long, I realized that its attachments must also be treated and tried a slightly lighter technique to treat them.
Later, I understood the relationship between injury and muscle strength and that muscle strength is a key element in the diagnosis of pain. Pain interferes with muscle exertion and limits the output of strength; thereby most of muscle weakness is actually muscle strength limited by pain. Once pain is removed, strength returns to normal immediately. Thus, muscle strength can be utilized as a reliable factor in the diagnosis as well as in the measuring the efficacy of treatment.
Then, I also learned that exercising an injured muscle often irritates and worsens its injury, causing further weakness. To restore muscle strength, injury must first be resolved, but not with exercises. I always treated the injury without any strengthening exercise. Furthermore, most soft tissue injury actually comes from exercises; I realized that there is too much risk and little benefit in exercise. I hereby advocate suitable activity instead by downplaying the importance of exercise while alerting people about the risk of its harm so as to reduce or even prevent the occurrence of soft tissue injury.
In addition, I found that fascia plays an essential and utmost important role in pain. This new concept was monumental! It helps clarify various pain-related conditions. I had devised an effective way to treat fascia injury.
It has taken me quite some time, through trial and error, to find ways of identifying the precise source of pain and the optimal method of curing pain. All these years, I have been sharpening my skills to master the simplest, most effective and efficient techniques to cure pain. Initially, I applied vigorous massage in trying to break down tight muscles, based on physics. Although still somewhat effective, it hurt my patients and my hands. There is also the limitation that massage cannot be done to certain small parts of the body. I attempted various existing and creative methods, searching for a better solution for years in vain. My “eureka!” aha moment came one day (Easter Day 2005) when I tried light touch on a patient (my niece, Alice) who was terrified of pain and could not tolerate massage on the injured site. I was surprised to feel the injured tissue immediately softening under my fingertips until there was no more pain or tightness. By accident, I discovered the previously unknown and unutilized physiological phenomenon that light touch elicits body response for self-healing, reversing the injured tissue to its normal state, and thus pain disappears. Light touch works very well on the muscle and especially the fascia. It can be applied to soft tissue injury of any site and size. I have since replaced physics with physiology so that painful injury can be quickly resolved and there is little pain for my patients or my hands during treatment. This simple, low-tech, highly efficient, and truly effective method has become a terminator of pain and the very tool to cure injury.
The same principles of diagnosis and treatment can be successfully applied to pain anywhere in the body, even extending to other pain-related conditions.
Little by little, over a forty-year span, I have cumulatively established the theory and application of The Precision Method using Touch-and-Hold & Stretch-and-Hold techniques for soft tissue release. With this method, injured sites are precisely identified and effectively treated toward a cure. Any pain-related condition can definitely recover in a very short time without recurrence, regardless of new or old, mild or severe, tiny or large, body part or location. There is no risk or side effect. Costly tests, medications, injections, surgeries as well as tools, devices, machines are not needed; thus medical expenses can be greatly reduced. I am excited about this breakthrough and eagerly reaching out to bring good tidings to those in need.
This book is written entirely based on my personal understanding and clinical experience and for the first time, to introduce “The Precision Method”.
筆者耗費時日四十年,一點一滴累積知識與經驗,終於開創出以輕按候住及輕拉候住手法專治筋肉傷的精準療法(Touch-and-Hold & Stretch-and-Hold of The Precision Method),建立其理論與實際,完成體系。此法可精確找出傷處,疼痛不管新舊、輕重、大小、部位,短期內便能輕易根除,而且治癒之後,不虞復發。不必吃藥、打針、開刀,無需工具、儀器、器械,沒危險性、副作用,既省事、省時,也省大筆醫療花費。筆者慶幸有此重大的突破,爰立下心願,將之推廣,盼能帶給疼痛患者,根治的佳音。
* 本書比照筆者的英文原著:《NO MORE PAIN》All Pain Considered—A Breakthrough 2023年最新增訂版。
Table of Contents
Soft Tissue Injury—the Culprit!
Breaking the Myth of Back Pain
1. Introduction
2. Myth and Maze
3. Critique and Comment
4. Source and Cause
5. Principle
6. Symptom and Sign
7. Diagnosis
8. Treatment
*The Precision Method—Touch-and-Hold & Stretch-and-Hold
9. Exercise
10. Self-Care
11. Conclusion
12. Addendum
Other Pain
1. Headache and Facial Pain
* Scalp Numbness, Scalp Noise, Dizziness, Vertigo, Motion Sickness, Blurred Vision,
Flu-like Symptoms, Stuffy Nose, Runny Nose, Post-Nasal Drip, Sneezing, Tinnitus,
Meniere's disease, Baldness, Strabismus, Protruding Eye, Dry Eye, Dry Mouth,
Watering Eye, Tear Spillage, Visual Dysfunction (Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism,
Presbyopia), Glaucoma, TMJ Dysfunction, Lockjaw, Dropped Jaw, Earache, Plugged Ear,
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bell’s Palsy, Slurred Speech, Stuttering, Drooping Eyelid,
Ingrown Eyelashes, Incomplete Eyelid Closure, Drooling, Facial Numbness,
Facial Apathy, Eye Blinking, Blepharospasm, Facial Tic, Restless Lips/Tongue/Chin,
Nasal Septum Deviation, Loss of Smell, Loss of Taste, Burning Mouth Syndrome
2. Neck and Shoulder Pain
* Dropped Head Syndrome, Spasmodic Torticollis, Tilt Head, Restless Neck, Snoring,
Throat Wheezing, Dry Cough, Dysphagia, Vocal Cords Dysfunction, Rotator Cuff Tear,
Habitual Shoulder Dislocation
3. Frozen Shoulder
4. Tennis Elbow and Arm Pain
* Golfer's Elbow
5. Wrist and Hand Pain
* Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,
De Quervain’s Disease, Wrist Drop, Personage-Turner Syndrome, Trigger Finger,
Focal Dystonia, Restless Hand, Dupuytren’s Contracture, Claw Hand, Cold Hand,
Finger Numbness, Deformed Fingernail
6. Chest and Rib Cage Pain
* Costochondritis, Tietze’s Syndrome, Intercostal Neuritis, Dyspnea, Hiccups, Belching, Nausea, Breast Pain, Post-lumpectomy Breast Lump, Sagging Breast
7. Hip and Thigh Pain
* Coccygeal Pain, Sitting Pain, Groin Pain, Trendelenberg Gait
8. Knee and Leg Pain
* Osgood-Schlatter Disease, Shin Splints, Stump Pain, Phantom Limb Pain
9. Leg Cramps
* Restless Leg Syndrome, Restless Elbow/Wrist/Hand/Finger
10. Ankle and Foot Pain
* Plantar Fasciitis, Morton’s Neuroma, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome,
Achilles Tendon Tightness, Toe Walking, Pigeon Toe, Club Foot,
Claw/Hammer/Mallet Toe, Ankle Lump, Heel Pain, Shuffling Gait, Bunion, Painful Corn,
Ledderhose Disease, Cold Foot, Toe Numbness, Burning Foot Syndrome,
Ingrown Toenail
Pain-Related Condition
* Scar Pain, Nodule
* Concussion, Contusion, Burn, Wound, Soft Tissue Bulge, Knuckle Pad, Eye Bag,
Facial Wrinkles, Neck Wrinkles, Deformed Eyelid/Ear/Lip/Tongue/Nipple /Labia
* Arthritis, Arthritic Stiffness, Joint Pain
* Fracture, Dislocation
* Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Knock-knee, Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease,
Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head, Dowager’s Hump, Lateral Hump,
Sway Back, Leg-length Discrepancy
* Spinal Cord Injury
* Post-polio Syndrome, Post-stroke
* Shingles Pain, Post-herpetic Neuralgia, Guillain-Barré Syndrome
* Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Trophic Skin Change
* Pre-menstrual Syndrome, Endometriosis, Hot Flash
* Pregnancy, Post-partum Pain, Stretch Marks
* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, PTSD
* Post-operative Non-surgical Pain
* Essential Hypertension
* Varicose Veins, Spider Veins, Hemorrhoids, Edema, Lymphedema
* Sleep Apnea
* Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Acid Reflux, Hiatal Hernia, Stomach Cramps,
Abdominal Cramps, Stomach/Abdominal Pain, Bulging Belly,
Bowel Dysfunction (Urgency, Frequency, Stress Incontinence), Constipation,
Bowel Retention, Anal Pain, Prolapse of Anus/Hemorrhoids/Rectum
* Irritable Bladder, Urethral Hernia, Urinary Dysfunction (Urgency, Frequency,
Hesitancy, Retention, Stress Incontinence, Post-void Dribbling)
* Erectile Dysfunction, Priapism
* Peyronie’s Disease
* Sexual Pain, Vaginal Tightness/Cramps, Penis Captivus, Vaginal Laxity,
Prolapse of Vagina/Uterus
* Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, Arthrogryposis
* Fibromyalgia, Stiff-person Syndrome
* Animal
Samples of Pain Mismanagement
都是筋肉傷惹的禍 自序
1. 前言
2. 迷思
3. 評析
4. 病因
5. 原理
6. 症狀
7. 診斷
8. 治療
* 精準療法─輕按候住及輕拉候住
9. 運動
10. 保養
11. 結論
12. 附語
1. 頭痛及顏面痛
* 頭皮麻感、頭殼雜音、頭昏、暈眩、暈車、眼花、感冒般症狀、鼻塞、 流鼻涕、
2. 頸肩痛
3. 五十肩
4. 網球肘及臂痛
5. 手腕痛
*胸廓出口症候群、局部疼痛複合症候群、腕隧道症候群、de Quervain氏病、
6. 胸肋痛
7. 臀股痛
8. 膝腿痛
9. 小腿抽筋
10. 足踝痛
*皮蛇痛、疹後神經痛、Guillain-Barré 氏症候群
Emerson M. F. Jou, M.D., M.P.H.

Solo Practice
The Rehab Clinic (since 1983)
Honolulu, Hawaii
NoMorePain Clinic (since 2003)
2512 Walnut Ave., #4
Tustin, CA 92780
Address: 321 North Kuakini Street, Suite 410
Honolulu, HI 96817
Phone: 1-808-523-2421
Cell: 1-808-256-5591
Website: NoMorePainClinic.com
M.D. Chung-Shan Medical College
Taichung, Taiwan
M.P.H. University of Hawaii School of Public Health
Honolulu, Hawaii
Residency in Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation
New York University Medical Center
Institute of Rehabilitaion Medicine
New York, New York
American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitaion
Taiwanese Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitaion
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Taiwanese Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Career Path
Clinical Instructor
University of Minnesota School of Medicine &
Minneapolis VA Hospital,
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chief of Outpatient Services
Harmarville Rehabilitation Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Associate Medical Director
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific
Honolulu, Hawaii
U.S. Patent (pending)
Touch-and-Hold & Stretch-and-Hold of The Precision Method
周明峰 醫師
中山醫學院 醫科
台灣 台中
公共衛生學碩士 主修老人學
MPH (Master of Public Health) in Gerontology
University of Hawaii School of Public Health
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
物理復健專科 住院醫師
Residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
New York University Medical Center
Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
New York, New York, USA
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine
信望愛復健中心 (1983年迄今)
The Rehab Clinic
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
疼痛特別門診 (2003年迄今)
NoMorePain Clinic
2512 Walnut Ave., #4
Tustin, CA 92780
地址: 321 North Kuakini Street, Suite 410
Honolulu, HI 96817 USA
電話: 1-808-523-2421
手機: 1-808-256-5591
網站: NoMorePainClinic.com
University of Minnesota School of Medicine
Minneapolis VA Hospital, Department of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Harmarville Rehabilitation Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Touch-and-Hold & Stretch-and-Hold of The Precision Method
美國專利 (審理中)
其他著作:1994 台灣簡史($15)、1995 心在台灣($25)、2001 台美情懷($20)、2020 哈哇意亡 國史—ALOHA哀歌($15)、2021 晚霞滿天—台美歲月($25)。若有興趣,請留言。
(Please click the image to access the forum)
This is a public forum open to all healthcare professionals and patients for sharing and discussion about anything in the diagnosis and treatment of all pain and pain-related conditions.